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 Breast Lift 

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Breast Lift in Boca Raton

What is a Breast Lift by [liv]®?

Aging, gravity and pregnancy contribute to breast volume and firmness loss. [liv]® Breast Lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is designed to rejuvenate and elevate the breasts by constricting the breast tissue and reducing excess skin. At [liv]®Plastic Surgery, we specialize in this transformative operation and can help with the breast volume, drooping, and asymmetry that you are looking to address. Our goal is to give new life to your figure with a natural-looking lift. That way, your physical appearance aligns with how vibrant and youthful you feel inside.

The Benefits of a Breast Lift: 

  • Improvement of skin laxity as well as the appearance of drooping breasts.
  • Filling a bra without the visible skin looking saggy or overflowing
  • Relief of neck and back pain and indenting of bra straps on shoulders

[liv]® Breast Lift Results 

[liv] Plastic Surgery Before/After Gallery

Browse through hundreds of Before & After images for Face, Breast, Body and non-Surgical procedures in the [liv]® Plastic Surgery gallery. 

The Miracle Breast Lift™ by Dr. Andrew Ress

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Andrew Ress has carefully developed this procedure and is currently the only surgeon to perform the Miracle Breast Lift ™.   This revolutionary new breast lift procedure has amazing results that last.  

Invest and Address: Did you know?

The process of a breast lift adjusts the breast’s shape and raises the breasts into a more youthful position on the chest. The breast tissues are tightened around the implants and then secured in place. Combining a breast lift with breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Andrew Ress can enhance and lift breasts in a single surgery.

[liv]® Breast Lift:

Simple lift: Lift procedure with added sculpting of breast tissue. Ideal if you are happy with your current breast size but are looking to correct sagging and improve shape.

Augmentation lift: Lift procedure with implant provides additional volume. This is perfect if you want to increase your breast size while addressing droopiness. This is a dual-purpose procedure that gives your breasts a fuller look.

Reduction with lift: Lift procedure with a targeted amount of tissue removed from one or both breasts. This is great for women who have discomfort from breasts that are too large or just want a smaller, more proportionate size along with a lift.

Complete lift: Lift procedure with the sculpting of breast tissue. This is the most comprehensive option, designed for those needing a significant reshape to get the uplifted breast profile they are looking for. 

Am I A Good Breast Lift Operation Candidate

Some factors we need to determine if you are a good candidate for a breast lift in Boca Raton include:

  • If you are dealing with sagging breasts
  • Your nipples are pointing downward
  • You have stretched breast tissue
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are in good health and have a stable weight

Breast Lift Cost In Boca Raton

Gathering information about the cost of a breast lift helps you decide about the procedure. Here at [liv]® Plastic Surgery, the average cost of a breast lift operation is around $9,000, with the surgery itself costing about $7,500 before any additional costs like anesthesia fees and facility fees. Having these numbers gives you a good idea of what to expect and plan for, but remember that you need to consider the experience and quality of care you get when you choose a breast lift surgeon in Boca Raton. Dr. Ress focuses on transparent pricing and personalized attention for your satisfaction and safety.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

During your initial consultation, we look over your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and explain the mastopexy lift process. This meeting is your opportunity to ask questions, bring up your concerns, and understand exactly how you can get the outcome you want. It’s a personalized experience focused on making sure you feel informed and comfortable when it comes to your decision.


The surgery itself will last about two and a half hours. Post-surgery, you’ll need time to rest and heal. In the days following your procedure, you wear a support garment and manage discomfort with prescribed medication. You can get back to work in a week, and most patients can start normal activities within a few weeks. You can even go to the gym three weeks post-surgery. Complete recovery and your final results are visible after a few months. Dr. Ress and his team will guide you through each step, ensuring a smooth and safe healing process.


As with any surgery, a breast lift comes with risks, such as:

  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Anesthesia risks

At [liv]® Plastic Surgery, we prioritize patient safety and will discuss how these risks apply to you so you’re fully informed.

Schedule and Consult

Ready to explore how a breast lift can enhance your figure and boost your confidence? If you’re looking for a breast lift surgeon in Boca Raton, Dr. Ress at [liv]® Plastic Surgery is ready to help you achieve the perkier breasts and more youthful look you desire. Contact [liv]® Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Ress. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have Question? We are here to help!

How long do breast lift last?

The average woman can expect her breast lift results to last for 10 to 15 years. However, due to the number of factors that affect the longevity of the results, individual results can vary significantly. Your genetics, lifestyle, and changes in your body weight can all play a part in exactly how long your breast lift lasts. If you want to maximize your results, you should focus on maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

Do breasts sag again after breast lift?

After the first breast lift, changes in the breast can occur anywhere from six months to one year. It’s natural for the skin to lose some elasticity over time, which can lead to changes in breast shape and firmness. While the changes are not as significant as the original drooping and sagging of the breasts, in some cases, patients feel a revision surgery is necessary. Regular check-ups with your surgeon can help monitor these changes and determine if additional treatments are needed to maintain your desired look.

How painful is a breast lift?

You’ll likely feel pain and soreness around the incisions, which will be red or pink for a few months. Numbness in your nipples, areolae, and breast skin might last for about six weeks. In the first few days after a breast lift, take pain medication as recommended by your health care provider. Most patients find the discomfort manageable and notice a significant decrease in pain within the first week or two, with gradual improvement as they heal and adapt to the changes.

What is a good age to get a breast lift?

The truth is that there is no age cutoff for breast lift surgery. In fact, women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s experience amazing results with breast lift surgery as long as they’re in good overall health. We focus more on your skin condition and overall health rather than your age. We want to make sure you are confident and happy in your skin. That means the right time for a breast lift is when you are ready.

 [liv]® Plastic Surgery
Enhancing Beauty and Changing Lives in South Florida

At [liv]® Plastic Surgery we offer facial surgery procedures for patients in Boca Raton and throughout South Florida.
Our expertly trained physicians and professional medical team are here to help you look younger, appear more rejuvenated and feel more confident.

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